Franklin Fueling Systems TS-LS300 AutoLearn Pressure-Based Electronic Line Leak Detector System Users Guide User Manual
Page 37

LS300 User’s Guide
Detected Leaks
When a line leak is detected, you the owner/authorized representative must follow
the steps outlined below:
Record (log) and identify: the type of leak test that failed (Gross test, Monthly
test, or an annual line leak test), the time it failed, the date, the product line
number, and the product-name. Record this in a special station log at your site.
Inspect the piping system, dispensers, fittings, and hoses for obvious leaks.
Open the dispenser enclosure and inspect the fittings and fuel filter for leaks
(especially if maintenance or service was done recently).
Stop/ Prevent dispensing from that product line (“bag” tape a poly-bag, over the
appropiate dispenser nozzels and lever). If a leak was found in Step 2 skip Steps 4
& 5, and do Step # 6.
Reset the line at the LS300 console (initiate a manual test for the failed test) to
allow a verification (re-test) for Gross, Monthly, Annual test.
For precision leak test failures, wait 3 hours for Monthly (0.2 gph/0.75 Lph) test
failures, or 6 hours for annual (0.1 gph/ 0.38 Lph) test failures — failed precision
tests will restart automatically when the 3 or 6 hour line-stabilization time has
elapsed. The test can also be manually restart after 3 or 6 hours (reference Monthly
and Annual line leak tests in this Chapter).
If a leak is discovered by visual inspection, or the second (verification) line
leak test fails and detects a line leak on the same line:
Immediately shut-off power to the affected pump, line, & dispenser, and call
our Technical Service telephone number
Take correct action in accordance with local, State, and Federal rules and
Contact the local inspection agency about the leak, and follow all procedures/
instructions as required by law
A line is considered verified tight and not leaking if a second (verification)
line leak test of the same or greater precision passes.
Reporting Line Leaks
Reporting Line Leaks
Reporting Line Leaks
Reporting Line Leaks
Reporting Line Leaks
When a line leak is detected, it is the site owner’s obligation to contact the local
inspection agency about line leaks, and to comply with the requirements concerning
reporting and cleanup as determined by local/State/Federal Laws and Regulations.
These and other regulations as required, must be followed quickly and to the letter.