YSI P 700 IQ Analyzer User Manual

Page 110

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P 700 IQ


The software permanently assigned to an instrument.

Ground fault circuit


Earth leakage circuit breaker. An electrical assembly group that
switches off a circuit as soon as the strength of current in the phases
does not exactly agree with the strength of current in the neutral con-
ductor. The current difference can be caused by a grounded person
inadvertently touching a live part of the circuit.


Light emitting diode.

Measured parameter

The measured parameter is the physical dimension determined by
measuring, e. g. pH, conductivity or D.O. concentration.

Measured value

The special value to be determined of a measured parameter. It is
given as a combination of the numerical value and unit (e. g. 3 m; 0.5
s; 5.2 A; 373.15 K).

Measuring system

A measuring system comprises all the devices used for measuring, e.
g. meter and sensor. In addition, there is the cable and possibly an
amplifier, terminal box and armature.


Safety datasheets (Material Safety Data Sheets). Usually, the chemi-
cals manufacturers provide safety datasheet with the chemicals deliv-
ered. The safety datasheets provide security relevant information on
the substances delivered. MSDS can also be found on the Internet.


Legal designation for the owner of the system. The operator is respon-
sible for the installed system, especially for the safety and training of
the staff.

pH value

A measure of the acidic or basic effect of an aqueous solution. It corre-
sponds to the negative decadic logarithm of the molal hydrogen ions
activity divided by the unit of the molality. The practical pH value is the
value of a pH measurement.


Personal protective equipment. The PPE includes clothing and other
equipment that is used to protect you against risks at your place of
work. You must always wear your PPE while doing dangerous jobs to
avoid injuries or damage to your health. Typical examples are gloves,
protective goggles, face protection shield, breathing protection, ear
protection, safety helmet, safety shoes, fall protection. The PPE must
fulfill the national standards and laws.


Restoring the original condition of all settings of a measuring system.