SENA SS800 User Manual
Page 87

6. If the upload fails, the Super Series will display error messages as shown in Figure 6-15.
Note: User file uploading is permitted only under user space (/usr2) directory. For more information
about file system inside Super Series, please refer to 8.2 Flash Partition section.
Welcome to SS-800 configuration page
Current time : 08/14/2003 11:56:13
: v1.0.0
Serial No.
MAC address: 00-01-95-04-d3-03
IP mode
IP address :
Select menu:
1. Network configuration
2. Serial port configuration
3. PC Card configuration
4. System administration
5. Save changes
6. Exit without saving
7. Exit and apply changes
8. Exit and reboot
---> 4
System administration
Select menu:
1. System status
2. System logging
3. Device name: SS800 Device
4. Date and time
5. Change password
6. User file upload
7. Reload factory default settings
8. Reload factory default settings except IP settings
9. Firmware upgrade
---> 6
Do you want to upload a file to user space? (y/n): y
Enter a filename: test.txt
The file will be saved as /usr2/test.txt.
Transfer a file by zmodem using your terminal application.
To escape, press Ctrl+X.
Uploading a file is completed.
Figure 6-14 User file upload menu and success messages
Do you want to upload a file to user space? (y/n): y
Enter a filename: test.txt
The file will be saved as /usr2/test.txt.
Transfer a file by zmodem using your terminal application.
To escape, press Ctrl+X.
Uploading a file failed.
Figure 6-15 User file upload fail messages