SENA SS800 User Manual
Page 48

the inter-character timeout (See Options in section 4.2.9. Serial Port Parameters for details on inter-
character timeout), the Super Series connect to the registered remote host(s). If a TCP session has
not been established yet and the Super Series succeeds in connecting to the remote host, the data in
the serial port buffer will be transferred to the host. Otherwise, all the data stored in the buffer will be
Session disconnection
The connected session will be disconnected when the remote host sends disconnection request or
when no data transfer activity is found through the serial port for certain amount of time, which is
“Inactivity timeout”. All the data remained in the serial port buffer will be cleared when it is
Connection request from remote host
All the incoming TCP connection requests will be rejected in TCP client mode.
3) Parameters
TCP listening port
This is the TCP port number through which remote host can connect a TCP session, and, send and
receive data. Incoming connection request to the ports other than TCP Listening Port will be rejected.
The Super Series does restrict the port number from 1024 to 65535 and if it is set as 0 only outgoing
connection is permitted. (TCP server mode)
User Authentication
In TCP mode, Super Series support user authentication for port access. If this option is enabled, user
should enter the user ID and password before accessing the port. (For user administration, please
refer to the section 6.6. User Administration)
Telnet protocol
In TCP mode, Super Series support Telnet Com Port Control Option (RFC2217 compliant) so that user
can control serial parameters like baud rate, data bits and flow control option using his local RFC2217-
compliant Telnet client program. (Please refer to section 4.2.9. Serial Port Parameters for more detail
information about serial parameters)
Usually this option is used with the RFC2217-compliant COM port redirector so that user can control
parameters of serial ports of Super Series using his serial port application program.
For this purpose, SENA OEM version of Serial/IP from Tactical Software, LLC is bundled with Super
Series. Please refer to documentations of Serial/IP for more detail information about using the COM
port redirector. (Please refer to section Appendix 6. Using Super Series With Serial/IP for more detail