SENA SS800 User Manual

Page 114

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# By setting 'btelnet' to 1, you can use remote console.
# Similarly by setting 'bweb' to 1, you can use remote console.
# 0 means that protect any access.
# 'enable_ip', 'enable_netmask' pair is a source rule specification for remote
console filtering.
# 'enable_webip', 'enable_webnetmask' pair is for web filtering.
btelnet = 1
bweb = 1
enable_ip =
enable_netmask =
enable_webip =
enable_webnetmask =

# dynamic DNS(DDNS) configuration
# dynamic dns can be enabled by setting 'bdyndns' to 1. 0 for disable.
# 'dyn_dn' is a domain name for your DDNS.
# 'dyn_user' is a account name for DDNS and 'dyn_pwd" is a password for it.
bdyndns = 0
dyn_dn =
dyn_user = ss800-user
dyn_pwd = ss800-pwd

# NTP configuration
# 'ntp_enable' set to 1 for using NTP or set to 0.
# 'ntp_serverip' is the IP address of NTP server and 'ntp_offset' is a your
offset from UTC.
# If you don't know any NTP server IP, then set 'ntp_auto_conf' to 1.
ntp_enable = 0
ntp_auto_conf = 1
ntp_offset = 0.0
ntp_serverip =

# Log configuration
# system logging is enabled by 'log_enable' to 1.
# 'logbuf_size' is a variable for representing log buffer size by KB.
# 'log_stoloc' is a location to save log.

1 = memory 2 = CF card 3 = NFS 4 = SYSLOGD

# If you choose log location to SYSLOGD, 'logbuf_size' you've set will loose his
role - limiting log file size.
log_enable = 1
logbuf_size = 4
log_stoloc = 1

# syslog configuration
# You can run or kill syslogd by setting 'bsyslog_service' to 1 or 0.
# 'syslog_ip' is a IP addresss of a remote syslog server.
# 'syslog_2ndip' is a IP address of a secondary syslogd server which will get
the same logs.
# 'syslog_facility' specify what type of program is logging. 0 ~ 7 for LOCAL0 to
bsyslog_service = 0
syslog_ip =
syslog_facility = 0

# NFS configuration
# You can mount or unmount NFS by setting 'bnfs_service'

to 1 or 0.

# 'nfs_ip' is a NFS server IP addresss and 'nfs_path' is a mount path.
bnfs_service = 0
nfs_ip =
nfs_path = /

# WEB configuration
# If you want to support HTTP, then set 'bweb_http' to 1. If not, set tot 0.
# 'bweb_https' is for HTTPS.
# 'web_refresh_rate' is for refresh the changing page when you see the system
status page.
bweb_http = 1