Xst - verilog, Implementation, Generating the xilinx netlist – Xilinx 1000BASE-X User Manual
Page 202: Mapping the design, Placing and routing the design

Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or SGMII v9.1
UG155 March 24, 2008
Chapter 15: Implementing the Design
See the XST User Guide for more information on creating project and synthesis script files,
and running the xst program.
XST - Verilog
There is a module declaration for the Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or SGMII core in the
CORE Generator project directory:
Use this module to help instance the Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or SGMII core into
your Verilog source.
After the entire design is complete, do the following:
Generate an XST project file
listing all user source
code files.
Make sure to include the following as the first two files in the project list.
Generate an XST script file
containing your
required synthesis options.
To synthesize the design, run:
$ xst -ifn top_level_module_name.scr
See the XST User Guide for more information on creating project and synthesis script files,
and running the xst program.
Generating the Xilinx Netlist
To generate the Xilinx netlist, the ngdbuild tools is used to translate and merge the
individual design netlists into a single design database—the NGD file. Also merged at this
stage is the UCF for the design. An example of the ngdbuild command is:
$ ngdbuild -sd path_to_core_netlist -sd path_to_user_synth_results \
-uc top_level_module_name.ucf top_level_module_name
Mapping the Design
To map the logic gates of the user design netlist into the CLBs and IOBs of the FPGA, run
the map command. The map command writes out a physical design to an NCD file. An
example of the map command is:
$ map -o top_level_module_name_map.ncd top_level_module_name.ngd \
Placing and Routing the Design
The par command must be executed to place and route the user’s design logic
components (mapped physical logic cells) within an NCD file, in accordance with the