Virtex-4 rocketio mgts for 1000base-x constraints, Figure 12-1, Clock period constraints – Xilinx 1000BASE-X User Manual
Page 164
Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or SGMII v9.1
UG155 March 24, 2008
Chapter 12: Constraining the Core
Virtex-4 RocketIO MGTs for 1000BASE-X Constraints
The constraints defined in this section are implemented in the UCF for the example
designs delivered with the core. Sections from the UCF are copied into the following
descriptions to serve as examples and should be studied in conjunction with the HDL
source code for the example design. See also
“Virtex-4 FX Devices” in Chapter 7
Clock Period Constraints
The clock txoutclk is provided by the MGT for use in the FPGA fabric. It is connected to
global clock routing to produce the usrclk2 signal. This is the main 125 MHz clock used
by all core logic and must be constrained.
is a clock with a frequency between 25 and 50 MHz, which must be provided to the
Dynamic Reconfiguration Port and to the calibration block of the MGT. In the example
design, this is constrained to 50 MHz.
Figure 12-1:
Local Clock Place and Route for Top MGT
Green - Vertical
Long Line
Yellow - BRAM/