Switching constraints, Virtex-ii pro rocketio mgts for sgmii or – Xilinx 1000BASE-X User Manual
Page 163

Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or SGMII v9.1
UG155 March 24, 2008
Required Constraints
# Rocket I/O placement: #
# Place the Rocket I/O
INST "rocketio/mgt" LOC = "GT_X0Y1";
# Locate the SERDES alignment logic near the Rocket I/O.
# Please Refer to the Rocket I/O User Guide (Chapter 2,
# SERDES Alignment, Ports and Attributes, ENPCOMMAALIGN,
# The following lock constraints are intended as an
# example of SERDES alignment logic placement in a
# XC2VP7 device when using GT_X0Y1. Please change the
# targeted slices appropriately for other combinations.
INST "rocketio/serdes_alignment" LOC = SLICE_X15Y72;
Virtex-II Pro RocketIO MGTs for SGMII or Dynamic Standards Switching
All of the constraints documented in
“Virtex-II Pro RocketIO MGTs for 1000BASE-X
apply. In addition, if the FPGA Fabric Rx Elastic Buffer is selected, area
placement constraints are required to ensure that the correct local clock routing paths are
used for rxrecclk. This is described in XAPP763 and in the remainder of this section.
With the MGT Rx Elastic Buffer bypassed, rxrecclk clock is provided by the MGT to the
FPGA fabric for the recovered receiver data signals leaving the transceiver. This data is
then written into the replacement Rx Elastic Buffer implemented in the FPGA fabric. See
Chapter 8, “Virtex-II Pro Devices”
for more information about this logic.
For correct operation, rxrecclk must be placed on specific clock routing in the vicinity of
the MGT from which the clock signal originates. This is the MGT local clock route, a 5 x 12
Configurable Logic Block (CLB) array which is next to every MGT on the top of the device,
or a 5 x 11 CLB array next to every MGT on the bottom of the device. Each array provides
a minimum of 440 flip-flops plus two block SelectRAM
s; more than adequate for the
fabric Rx Elastic Buffer requirements. A CLB array for the top of the device is illustrated in
. This figure represents the view of this placement as seen in FPGA Editor.
The following UCF syntax shows an example of defining an AREA_GROUP for the
local clock route for all of the synchronous elements used in the example
design. Because the block RAM is not included in the AREA_GROUP, a separate location
constraint needs to be applied to the block RAM used.
# Fabric Rx Elastic Buffer Placement: #
# Constrain the slice area to be near the RocketIO
TIMEGRP "rxrecclk" AREA_GROUP = "local_clk";
AREA_GROUP "local_clk" RANGE = SLICE_X6Y56:SLICE_X15Y79;
# Constrain the block RAM used for the fabric Rx Elastic
# Buffer to be near the RocketIO
INST "rocketio/clock_correction/dual_port_block_ram" LOC =