Setting mgt transceiver attributes, Mgt placement constraints – Xilinx 1000BASE-X User Manual
Page 165

Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or SGMII v9.1
UG155 March 24, 2008
Required Constraints
The following UCF syntax shows these constraints being applied.
# PCS/PMA Clock period Constraints: please do not relax *
NET "userclk2" TNM_NET = "userclk2";
TIMESPEC "TS_userclk2" = PERIOD "userclk2" 8 ns HIGH 50 %;
NET "dclk" TNM_NET = "dclk";
TIMESPEC "TS_dclk" = PERIOD "dclk" 20 ns HIGH 50 %;
Setting MGT Transceiver Attributes
The Virtex-4 MGT device has many attributes. These attributes are set directly from HDL
source code for the transceiver wrapper file delivered with the example design. These are
in the file transceiver.vhd (for VHDL design entry) or transciever.v (for Verilog
design entry). See the Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or SGMII Getting Started Guide for a
detailed description of the example design provided with the core.
This HDL transceiver wrapper file was initially created using Architecture Wizard. See the
Virtex-4 FPGA RocketIO Multi-Gigabit Transceiver User Guide (UG076) for a description of
available attributes.
MGT Placement Constraints
The following UCF syntax illustrates the MGT placement contraints for the example
design. Because Virtex-4 MGTs are always available in pairs, two MGTs are always
instantiated in the example design, even if one is inactive.
# Example Rocket I/O placement *
# Lock down the REFCLK pins:
NET brefclk_p LOC = F26;
NET brefclk_n LOC = G26;
# Lock down the GT11 pair and GT11 clock module
INST "core_wrapper/rocketio/GT11_1000X_A" LOC = GT11_X0Y5;
INST "core_wrapper/rocketio/GT11_1000X_B" LOC = GT11_X0Y4;
# Lock down the RocketIO pins:
NET "rxp0" LOC = J26;
NET "rxn0" LOC = K26;
NET "txp0" LOC = M26;
NET "txn0" LOC = N26;
NET "rxp1" LOC = U26;
NET "rxn1" LOC = V26;
NET "txp1" LOC = P26;
NET "txn1" LOC = R26;