TRENDnet TDM-E400 User Manual

Page 202

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TDM-E400 / TDM-C400ADSL2+ Ethernet Modem Router User’s Manual


Quick Configuration

logging in, 33

Quick Configuration page, 33

RDR NAT flavor, 127

Rebooting, 47

Remote Image Upgrade page, 178

Reset button, 47

Restoring an image, 179

RFC 1577 (IPoA), 72

RIP, 194

configuring on device, 112

overview, 111

viewing statistics, 114

RIP Configuration page, 112

RIP Global Statistics page, 114

RJ-11, 195

RJ-45, 195

Routable interfaces, 79

Routed and bridged Internet connection,

configuring, 83

Routed Internet connection, configuring, 81


overview, 77

Routing, 195

Routing and bridging mode, 82

Routing Information Protocol. See RIP

Security levels

setting, 141

SNMP Host – Add page, 166

SNTP, configuring, 43

Software upgrades, 177

Stateful inspection, 145

Static IP addresses, 27

Statically assigned IP addresses, 93

Storing an image, 179

Submitting vs committing, 46

Subnet, 195

defined, 97

Subnet mask. See Network mask

Subnet masks, 186

System - Modify page, 44

System Log page, 168

System Mode page, 80

System requirements

for Configuration Manager, 38

System requirements:, 17

TCP/IP, 195

Telnet port, modifying address, 181

Testing setup, 37

Time and date, changing, 43

Traceroute, using, 174

Traps. See Alarms

Troubleshooting, 188

TTL, 195

Twisted pair, 196

Typographical conventions, 14

Upgrading software, 177

Upgrading the image, 177

Upstream, 196

USB, 196

configuring IP on PC, 31

configuring PC, 28

installing, 20

installing driver, 28

USB cable

connecting, 30

USB port

configuring IP information, 55

User Config Modify page, 163

User Config-Add page, 162

User Configuration page, 161

User logins, managing, 161

User privelege levels, 161


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