Oracle B32100-01 User Manual
Page 70
Contents of the OracleAS Metadata Repository
Oracle Application Server Installation Guide
In the last two scenarios, the installer asks you if you want to register the OracleAS
Metadata Repository with an Oracle Internet Directory. If you answer yes, you
provide connect information for the Oracle Internet Directory. If you answer no, the
installer does not register the OracleAS Metadata Repository with an Oracle Internet
4.11 Contents of the OracleAS Metadata Repository
The OracleAS Metadata Repository contains schemas that can be grouped into these
Product Metadata schemas
These schemas are used by middle-tier components, such as OracleAS Portal and
OracleAS Wireless.
Oracle Identity Management schemas
These schemas are used by Oracle Identity Management components, such as
Oracle Internet Directory, OracleAS Single Sign-On, and OCA.
Management schemas
These schemas are used by components such as DCM.
Install an Oracle Internet Directory against an existing
OracleAS Metadata Repository
Section 4.25, "Installing Oracle Internet Directory
Randomized (the metadata
repository schemas are given new
randomized passwords)
Install the OracleAS Metadata Repository only (without
installing Oracle Identity Management components)
and you choose to register it with Oracle Internet
This scenario applies to installing it in a new database
or in an existing database.
To install OracleAS Metadata Repository in a new
database, see
Section 4.22, "Installing OracleAS
Metadata Repository in a New Database"
To install OracleAS Metadata Repository in an existing
database, see theOracle Application Server Metadata
Repository Creation Assistant User’s Guide.
Install the OracleAS Metadata Repository only (without
installing Oracle Identity Management components)
and you choose not to register it with Oracle Internet
This scenario applies to installing it in a new database
or in an existing database.
The schemas are locked, and the
passwords are expired.
If you did not register the OracleAS Metadata Repository with
an Oracle Internet Directory during installation, you can register it
later using the Oracle Application Server Repository Creation
Assistant. See the Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository Creation
Assistant User’s Guide for details.
Table 4–4
(Cont.) Database Registration Scenarios
Schema Passwords