D.9 reinstallation, D.10 troubleshooting, D.10 – Oracle B32100-01 User Manual

Page 230: Section d.9, "reinstallation, Section d.10, "troubleshooting

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Cleaning Up Oracle Application Server Processes


Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

D.8 Cleaning Up Oracle Application Server Processes

If you forgot to shut down Oracle Application Server processes before starting the
installation, you have to kill the processes because the files for these processes are
deleted. To check for processes that are still running, run the ps command:

prompt> ps -ef

To kill a process, use the kill command:

prompt> kill -9 process_id

You can determine the process_id from the ps command.

If you need to shut down the dcmctl shell process, you can try exiting the shell by
typing exit.

D.9 Reinstallation

The installer does not allow reinstallation of an Oracle Application Server instance in a
directory that already contains an Oracle Application Server instance. To reinstall
Oracle Application Server in the same directory, you have to deinstall and then install

D.10 Troubleshooting


Section F.4, "Deinstallation Problems and Solutions"

for help with common

deinstallation problems.