1 fan-out replication (ldap replication), 2 multimaster replication (advanced replication) – Oracle B32100-01 User Manual

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Oracle Internet Directory Replication Overview


Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

6.1.1 Fan-Out Replication (LDAP Replication)

In fan-out replication, one Oracle Internet Directory is the master, and the other Oracle
Internet Directory instances are called the Oracle Internet Directory replicas.

In one-way fan-out replication, clients modify the data in the master Oracle Internet
Directory only. The master then propagates the changes to the replicas. These replicas,
in turn, can update other Oracle Internet Directory replicas.

In two-way fan-out replication, clients modify the data in the master Oracle Internet
Directory and the replicas. Changes made to any node are propagated to the other

Figure 6–1

Example of One-Way Fan-Out Replication (LDAP Replication)

In fan-out replication, Oracle Internet Directory instances use the LDAP protocol to
communicate with each other. The Select Oracle Internet Directory Replication Mode
screen in the installer uses the term LDAP Replication to refer to fan-out replication.

The procedure for installing a master Oracle Internet Directory is the same as installing
a "regular" (non-replicated) Oracle Internet Directory.

The procedure for installing replicas is different. When installing a replica, you must
select the High Availability and Replication option in the Select Configuration
Options screen, and you need to provide connect information to the master Oracle
Internet Directory.

The Oracle Application Server instance that runs the Oracle Internet Directory (master
or replica) can also run other Oracle Application Server components, such as the
OracleAS Metadata Repository, OracleAS Single Sign-On, Oracle Delegated
Administration Services, and/or Oracle Directory Integration Platform.

6.1.2 Multimaster Replication (Advanced Replication)

In multimaster replication, you have one or more master Oracle Internet Directory
instances. You can also have other Oracle Internet Directory instances that are replicas.
Clients can update data in any Oracle Internet Directory (master or replica). The
Oracle Internet Directory instances propagate the changes among themselves.

Master Replica (Read-Write)

Full Replica (Read-Only)

Partial Replica (Read-Only)