3 installing from a remote cd-rom or dvd-rom drive, Section 2.10.3, Installing from a remote cd-rom or dvd-rom drive – Oracle B32100-01 User Manual
Page 47: Figure 2–1
Network Topics
This space is in addition to the space required for installing Oracle Application Server
(listed in
To Copy the CD-ROMs:
Create a directory structure on your hard drive as shown in
You need to create a parent directory (called OracleAS_10g in the example, but
you can name it anything you like), and, under the parent directory, create
subdirectories called Disk1, Disk2, and so on. The names of the subdirectories
must be DiskN, where N is the CD-ROM number.
Figure 2–1
Directory Structure for Copying CD-ROMs to Disk
Copy the contents of each CD-ROM into the corresponding directory.
prompt> cp -pr /cdrom_mount_point/10.1.4disk1/* /path/to/hard/drive/Disk1/
prompt> cp -pr /cdrom_mount_point/10.1.4disk2/* /path/to/hard/drive/Disk2/
... Repeat for each CD-ROM.
To run the installer from the copied files, invoke the runInstaller executable from
the Disk1 directory. Run it from the computer that will be running Oracle Application
prompt> /path/to/hard/drive/Disk1/runInstaller
To Copy the application_server Directory from the DVD-ROM
(optional) Create a directory to contain the application_server directory.
Copy the application_server directory from the DVD-ROM to your hard
prompt> cp -pr /dvd_mount_point/application_server /path/to/hard/drive
To run the installer from the copied files, invoke the runInstaller executable from
the computer that will be running Oracle Application Server:
prompt> /path/to/hard/drive/application_server/runInstaller
2.10.3 Installing from a Remote CD-ROM or DVD-ROM Drive
If the computer where you want to install Oracle Application Server does not have a
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, you can perform the installation from a remote
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
You can run the installer on a remote computer ("remote_computer"), but have the
installer screens display on your local computer ("local_computer"). The installer will
install Oracle Application Server on the remote computer.
of Disk1
of Disk3
of Disk2