F.3.20, Oracl, F.3.21 – Oracle B32100-01 User Manual

Page 248: F.3.22

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Installation Problems and Solutions


Oracle Application Server Installation Guide

F.3.20 OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management)- Cluster Configuration Assistant Fails


During the installation of OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management), the Cluster
Configuration Assistant failed because the cluster name was typed incorrectly or the
cluster was not available.


To cluster the instance, you must use the "dcmctl joincluster" command instead
of Application Server Control. You cannot use Application Server Control in this case
because Application Server Control cannot cluster instances that contain disabled
components. In this case, the "home" OC4J instance is disabled.

F.3.21 OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management) - Installation Fails on Second Oracle
Internet Directory Node


After successfully installing Oracle Internet Directory on the first node of an OracleAS
Cluster (Identity Management), the installation of Oracle Internet Directory fails on the
second node.


Perform the following steps to correct the problem:


Run the following command to connect to the database:

prompt> sqlplus ods/password


Remove the registry information for node 2 from the IMCFREGISTRY table:

SQL> delete from IMCFREGISTRY where IASINSTANCE='node2_instance_name';


Remove the PROCESS information from ODS_PROCESS:

SQL> delete from ods_process where hostname='node2_hostname';


Remove OIDMON information from ODS_SHM:

SQL> delete from ods_shm where NODENAME='node2_hostname';


Commit the changes to the database and exit:

SQL> commit;

SQL> exit

F.3.22 OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management) - Installation Fails on Second Oracle
Delegated Administration Services and OracleAS Single Sign-On Node


After successfully installing Oracle Delegated Administration Services and OracleAS
Single Sign-On on the first node of an OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management), the
installation of Oracle Delegated Administration Services and OracleAS Single Sign-On
fails on the second node.