E.1.2 configuration assistant result codes, E.1.2, Configuration assistants – Oracle B32100-01 User Manual
Page 232

Description of Oracle Application Server Configuration Assistants
Oracle Application Server Installation Guide
If an optional configuration assistant fails, and it does not have any dependencies,
run the remaining configuration assistants. Uncheck the cancelled optional
configuration assistant, highlight and check the next listed configuration assistant,
and click Retry.
If configuration assistant failure occurs when running configuration assistant
execution commands on the command line, then re-run the configuration assistant
execution command again.
You can use the generated script file named configtoolcmds.pl located in the
directory to execute the failed configuration assistant again.
The configtoolcmds.pl script is generated after you exit the installer. During
silent or non-interactive installation, the configtoolcmds.pl script is generated
immediately after configuration assistant failure.
If you see a "Fatal Error. Reinstall" message, find the cause of the problem by
analyzing the log files. You cannot recover from a fatal error by correcting the
problem and continuing. You must remove the current installation and reinstall
Oracle Application Server. The following tasks describe the recovery procedure:
Deinstall the failed installation using the procedure described in
"Deinstallation and Reinstallation"
Correct the cause of the fatal error.
Reinstall Oracle Application Server.
If the fatal error reoccurs, then you must remove all Oracle installations from
your computer.
E.1.2 Configuration Assistant Result Codes
If a configuration assistant fails, the bottom half of the installation screen displays the
error message, and the configuration assistant writes its result code (
) to the
following log file:
E.2 Description of Oracle Application Server Configuration Assistants
lists the Oracle Application Server configuration assistants in alphabetical
order. Different installations use different configuration assistants depending on
installation type and configuration options you selected.
Note that the paths below use "/" as the directory delimiter. You might need to change
it for your system. For example, use "\" if you are on a Windows system.
Table E–1
Result Codes for Configuration Assistants
Result Code
Configuration assistant succeeded
Configuration assistant failed
Configuration assistant cancelled