1 installation order, 2 installing oracleas metadata repository, 1 set up staticports.ini file – Oracle B32100-01 User Manual
Page 175
Installing a Distributed OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management) Configuration
Installing in High Availability Environments: OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management)
Section 9.6.2, "Installing OracleAS Metadata Repository"
Section 9.6.3, "Installing Oracle Internet Directory on the First Node"
Section 9.6.4, "Installing Oracle Internet Directory on Subsequent Nodes"
9.6.1 Installation Order
To create a distributed OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management) configuration:
Install OracleAS Metadata Repository in your existing database.
Install Oracle Internet Directory on each node. You run the installer on each node
Install OracleAS Single Sign-On and Oracle Delegated Administration Services on
each node. You run the installer on each node separately.
Install middle tiers.
9.6.2 Installing OracleAS Metadata Repository
To install the OracleAS Metadata Repository in your existing database, you use the
OracleAS RepCA. See the Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository Creation
Assistant User’s Guide for details.
9.6.3 Installing Oracle Internet Directory on the First Node
You run the installer on each node separately to install the Oracle Identity
Management components. Set up staticports.ini File
When installing Oracle Internet Directory on the first node, you do not need a load
balancer. You can set up and configure the load balancer later. However it is
recommended that the port numbers used by Oracle Internet Directory and by the
load balancer are the same.
To do this, create a staticports.ini file to specify port numbers that you want Oracle
Internet Directory to use. Your load balancer will use the same port numbers for LDAP
communications. The staticports.ini file should contain these lines:
Oracle Internet Directory port = port_num
Oracle Internet Directory (SSL) port = port_num
If you want to configure Oracle Internet Directory to listen on
SSL ports only, perform this configuration after you have installed
OracleAS Single Sign-On and Oracle Delegated Administration
Services. Oracle Internet Directory needs to be listening on both SSL
and non-SSL ports when you install OracleAS Single Sign-On and
Oracle Delegated Administration Services.