Oracle B32100-01 User Manual

Page 61

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Starting the Oracle Universal Installer

Things You Should Know Before Starting the Installation


CD-ROM users: Insert Oracle Application Server Disk 1 into the CD-ROM drive.

DVD-ROM users: Insert the Oracle Application Server DVD-ROM into the
DVD-ROM drive.


Run the Oracle Universal Installer using the command shown after the notes:


prompt> cd

prompt> mount_point/10.1.4disk1/runInstaller


prompt> cd

prompt> mount_point/application_server/runInstaller

Hard Drive:

prompt> cd disk1_directory

prompt> runInstaller

where disk1_directory is the directory where you unzipped the Disk 1 file.

This launches Oracle Universal Installer, through which you install Oracle Application


Be sure you are not logged in as the root user when you start
the Oracle Universal Installer. The installer gives an error
message if you try to run it as the root user.

Do not start the installation inside the mount_point directory. If
you do, then you may not be able to eject the installation disk.
The cd command below changes your current directory to your
home directory.