2 installing oracleas metadata repository, 1 create staticports.ini file – Oracle B32100-01 User Manual
Page 167
Installing an OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management) Configuration
Installing in High Availability Environments: OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management)
Install middle tiers.
9.5.2 Installing OracleAS Metadata Repository
To install the OracleAS Metadata Repository in your existing database, you use the
OracleAS RepCA. See the Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository Creation
Assistant User’s Guide for details.
9.5.3 Installing OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management) on the First Node
Run the installer on each node where you want to install Oracle Identity Management
Note that the procedure for installing Oracle Identity Management components on the
first node is different from installing the components on subsequent nodes. To install
the components on subsequent nodes, see
Section 9.5.4, "Installing OracleAS Cluster
(Identity Management) on Subsequent Nodes"
Section, "Create staticports.ini File"
Section, "Disable TCP Monitoring on Load Balancer for First Node"
Section, "Select the Same Components for Each Node"
Section, "Run the Installer" Create staticports.ini File
If you want to use custom ports for components other than Oracle HTTP Server or
Oracle Internet Directory, you need to create a staticports.ini file for this installation.
If you want custom ports for Oracle HTTP Server or Oracle Internet Directory, you
specify them in the "Specify HTTP Load Balancer Host and Listen Ports" and the
"Specify Host and Port for LDAP" screens.
If you specify custom ports for Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle Internet Directory also
in the staticports.ini file, and you also specify ports in the screens mentioned above,
the ports specified in the screens take precedence.
To avoid specifying Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle Internet Directory ports in the
staticports.ini file, the staticports.ini file must not contain these lines:
Oracle HTTP Server port = port_num
Oracle HTTP Server Listen port = port_num
Oracle HTTP Server SSL port = port_num
Oracle HTTP Server Listen (SSL) port = port_num
Oracle Internet Directory port = port_num
Oracle Internet Directory (SSL) port = port_num
If you want to configure Oracle Internet Directory to listen on
SSL ports only, perform this configuration after you have installed
Oracle Identity Management. Oracle Internet Directory needs to be
listening on both SSL and non-SSL ports when you install OracleAS
Single Sign-On and Oracle Delegated Administration Services.