Virtual channel identifiers (vpi and vci), Qos book, Chapter 5 – RCA 608WL User Manual
Page 156
Chapter 5
Expert Configuration
E-DOC-CTC-20041126-0013 v1.0
Virtual Channel
Identifiers (VPI and VCI)
The address format is vpi*vci, e.g. 8*35; or vpi.vci, e.g. 8.35.
VPI (Virtual Path Identifier) and VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier) are two parameters
identifying ATM Virtual Channels.
It is the responsibility of the network operator to provide end-to-end connectivity
throughout the network on these virtual channels. Due to regional differences or
because of the specific policy of your local operator, specific VPI/VCI values may be
required. In this case, the network operator, ISP or corporate administrator will
provide the correct values.
The VPI can range from 0 to 15, VCI from 32 .. 511.
Note: if your SpeedTouch™ is equipped with an ATMF-25.6Mb/s interface, VPI 0 to 7
(included) are cross-connected between the DSL port and the ATMF-25.6Mb/s port.
Unless these cross-connects are deleted using the CLI, these VPI values (0 ... 7)
cannot be used.
QoS Book
The QoS Book table displays following parameters:
The name of the new QoS entry.
The name of the Conformance Traffic Descriptor (CTD) for the transmit
(upstream) direction.
The name of the CTD for the receive (downstream) direction.