Polycom VSX Series User Manual
Page 246

Administrator’s Guide for the VSX Series
content display 4-9
screen saver 4-53
DTMF, generating 4-55
internal ringer (VSX 3000) 4-20, 4-54
touch-panel control 2-32
configuring 4-29
troubleshooting 7-11
trace route test 7-5
tracking calls 5-7
Transport Protocol (setting) 3-12
treble adjustment 4-24
test calls 3-33
TV, See monitors
Type of Service (setting) 3-15
Type of Service Value (setting) 3-15
UDP Ports (setting) 3-17
updating software 3-34
Use Gatekeeper (setting) 3-7
Use PathNavigator for Multipoint Calls (setting)
Use Room Password for Remote Access (setting)
Use RTS Signal for Resync Pulse (setting) 3-26
Use the Following IP Address (setting) 3-4
User Alert Tones (setting) 4-20
User Name (setting) 3-13
User Name, SIP 3-12
user settings
allowing access 4-36
auto-answer 4-39
backlight compensation 4-2
camera presets 4-6
far control of near camera 4-2
list 4-33
muting auto-answer calls 4-20
PIP 4-8
User Settings (screen), allowing access 4-36
User Settings button 4-33
Call Detail Report 6-4
Import Directory 5-6
Web Director (room monitoring) 5-3
web streaming 4-57
V.35 Ports Used (setting) 3-24
V.35/RS-449/RS-530 (screen) 3-24
V.35/RS-449/RS-530 Serial Status (screen) 7-5
V.35/RS-449/RS-530, See also serial V.35/RS-
VCR Far and Near Audio (setting) 4-19, 4-24
VCR format (setting) 4-8
VCR Record Source (setting) 4-10, 4-19
connecting, to play 2-28
connecting, to record 2-29
troubleshooting 7-18, 7-19, 7-26
VCR/DVD Audio Out Always On (setting) 4-3,
VCR/DVD In Level (setting) 4-21, 4-23
VCR/DVD Out Level (setting) 4-21, 4-23, 4-24
Vertical Position (setting) 4-16
VGA cable (illustration) 1-2
VGA Input (screen) 4-16
VGA monitors 2-18
as main monitors 2-17
connected to Visual Concert VSX 2-29
connecting to VSX 6000 or VSX 7000 2-17
showing content 2-18
VGA Out (setting) 4-10
VGA Output with No Graphics (setting) 4-16
VGA resolution
for People+Content IP 4-14
for Visual Concert VSX 2-29
VGA Resolution (setting) 4-16
brightness adjustment 4-12
color balance adjustment 4-12
data rate (call statistics) 6-2
diagnostics 7-6
error concealment 3-15
format, monitor 1 4-7
format, monitor 2 4-8
frame rate (call statistics) 6-2
port, web streaming 4-57
sharpness adjustment 4-12
specifying bandwidth for People and Content
specifying what monitors display 4-10
Video Format (setting) 4-4
Video Format (setting), for broadcasting 3-26