Polycom VSX Series User Manual

Page 232

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Administrator’s Guide for the VSX Series



balanced, configuring 4-22

cable (illustration) 1-6

configuring 4-204-28

configuring equipment type 4-22

configuring for sharing content 4-17

configuring for VCR/DVD 4-23

configuring for Visual Concert VSX or

ImageShare II 4-23

data rate (call statistics) 6-2

diagnostics 7-6

guidelines for using Polycom microphones


guidelines for using SoundStation VTX 1000


ImageShare II or Visual Concert VSX output


meter test 7-6

mixer, See Vortex mixer

port, web streaming 4-57

protocol (call statistics) 6-2

sound effects volume 4-20

StereoSurround 4-21

subwoofer 4-24

troubleshooting 7-25

VCR/DVD settings 4-3, 4-18, 4-19

Audio (screen) 4-25
Audio I/O (screen) 4-18
Audio Input (screen) 4-27, 4-28
Audio Levels (screen) 4-18, 4-25
Audio Meter (screen) 4-28, 7-6
Audio Port (setting) 4-57
Audio Protocol (setting), for broadcasting 3-26
Audio Settings (screen) 4-17, 4-20
audio/video combination cable (illustration) 1-3
Authentication PIN (setting) 3-7
Auto Adjust for Daylight Saving Time (setting)


Auto BRI Configuration (setting) 3-20
Auto mode (multipoint display) 4-41
Auto-Answer Multipoint (setting) 4-38, 4-39,


Auto-Answer Point to Point (setting) 4-38, 4-39
auto-answer, muting 4-20
automatic camera tracking

calibrating 4-3, 4-4

configuring 4-4

setting up 2-15

troubleshooting 7-21, 7-22

Automatic Camera Tracking to Presets (setting)


automatic restart, actions that cause 3-4, 3-5,

4-36, Appendix-10

automatically detect SPIDs 3-20
Avaya network integration 3-9

back panel view

VSX 3000 and VSX 3000A 2-1

VSX 5000 2-2

VSX 6000 2-3

VSX 6000A 2-4

VSX 7000 2-5, 2-6

VSX 7000e 2-7

VSX 7000s 2-6

VSX 8000 2-8

Backlight Compensation (setting) 4-2
balanced audio, configuring 4-22
Balanced Out (600 ohms) (setting) 4-23

allowing users to specify 4-48

dynamic 3-16

managing 3-11, 3-16, 3-30

specifying 3-16

specifying allocations for People and Content


bandwidth, See also call speed
basic mode 3-28, 5-4, 7-4
bass adjustment 4-24
battery icon 7-29
Baud Rate (setting) 4-29, 4-30
BNC adapter cable (illustration) 1-8
Bonding (setting) 3-21
BRI network interface

cable (illustration) 1-2

capabilities 2-12

channels to dial in parallel 3-19

configuring 3-19, 3-20

connecting to set-top and component systems


connecting to VSX 3000 and VSX 3000A 2-13

enabling/disabling lines 3-20

hardware requirements 2-13, 2-14

lights 7-31

specifying B1 and B2 channel numbers 3-20

voice algorithm 3-20

brightness, camera 4-2
broadcast mode

configuring 3-26

enabling 3-26

browser, configuring to use VSX Web 5-1
burn-in prevention for monitors 4-12