Data lines if the revolve parameter is included – ABAQUS Volume II: I–Z User Manual

Page 535

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Second line:

1. X-coordinate of point c.

2. Y-coordinate of point c.

3. Z-coordinate of point c.

Data lines if the REVOLVE parameter is included:

First line:

1. X-coordinate of point a.

2. Y-coordinate of point a.

3. Z-coordinate of point a.

4. X-coordinate of point b.

5. Y-coordinate of point b.

6. Z-coordinate of point b.

Second line:

1. X-coordinate of point c.

2. Y-coordinate of point c.

3. Z-coordinate of point c.

Third line:

1. Segment angle, , through which the cross-section must be revolved.

. The

segments are connected, so, except for the first segment, each segment starts at the end point
of the segment given on the previous data line.

2. Number of subdivisions or elements to be used in the segment. The default is 1. A single

element subdivision must not exceed 45° when general elements are used or 180° when
cylindrical elements are used.

3. Bias ratio to be used in the spacing of nodes generated over the segment. The value is set to the

ratio of adjacent angles between nodes along each arc of nodes generated. Thus, if the value is
less than one, the nodes are concentrated toward the beginning of the segment; and if the value
is greater than one, the nodes are concentrated toward the end of the segment. The default is

4. Include the “word” GENERAL (default) to generate general three-dimensional elements or the

“word” CYLINDRICAL to generate cylindrical elements.

Repeat the third data line as often as necessary to define the discretization of the model in the
circumferential direction.


ABAQUS Version 6.1

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