Using * restart in an abaqus/standard analysis, Optional parameters if the read parameter is used – ABAQUS Volume II: I–Z User Manual

Page 359

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Save and reuse data and analysis results.

WARNING: This option can create a very large amount of data. The size is estimated by
the analysis input file processor in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis.

This option is used to control the writing and reading of restart data.





Model or history data


Model, Step

Using *RESTART in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis


“Restarting an analysis,” Section 9.1.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual

At least one of the following parameters is required:


Include this parameter to specify that this analysis is a restart of a previous analysis. The basic
model definition data (elements, materials, nodes) cannot be changed at such a restart. However,
element sets, node sets, and *AMPLITUDE tables can be added, and history data subsequent to that
part of the history already analyzed can be changed.


Include this parameter to specify that restart data are to be written during the analysis.

Optional parameters if the READ parameter is used:


This parameter specifies that the user wishes to terminate the current step in the analysis from which
the restart is being made.

This parameter is useful when the user wishes to redefine the loading history, output options,

or tolerance controls, etc. If this parameter is included, the data must contain further step definitions
to define how the analysis will continue.

If this parameter is omitted, ABAQUS/Standard will continue the analysis to complete the

current step as it is defined in the run from which the restart is being made.


Set this parameter equal to the increment number within the step specified by the STEP parameter,
after which the analysis will resume.


ABAQUS Version 6.1

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