ABAQUS Volume II: I–Z User Manual

Page 212

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output is required. The default is MODE=1. See also the LAST MODE parameter. When
performing a *FREQUENCY analysis, the normalization will follow the format set by the
NORMALIZATION parameter. Otherwise, the normalization is such that the largest displacement
component in the mode has a magnitude of 1.0.


Set this parameter equal to the name of the node set for which this output request is being made. If
this parameter is omitted, the output will be printed for all of the nodes in the model.


Set SUMMARY=YES (default) to obtain a summary and the locations of the maximum and
minimum values in each column of the table. Set SUMMARY=NO to suppress this summary.


Set TOTALS=YES to print the total of each column in the table. This is useful, for example, to sum
reaction forces in a particular direction. The default is TOTALS=NO.

Data lines to request nodal output in the data file:

First line:

1. Give the identifying keys for the variables to be printed in a table for this node set. The keys are

defined in the “Nodal variables” portion of “ABAQUS/Standard output variable identifiers,”
Section 4.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual.

Repeat this data line as often as necessary: each line defines a table. If this line is omitted, no nodal
output will be printed to the data file.


ABAQUS Version 6.1

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