To clear one or all prefixes or suffixes, To add a carriage return suffix to all symbologies – HandHeld Entertainment Document Reader 4800dr User Manual

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4800dr Barcode Guide

Example: Add a Suffix to a specific symbology

To send a CR (carriage return)Suffix for UPC only:
Step 1. Scan Add Suffix.

Step 2. Determine the 2 digit hex value from the Symbology Chart (included in

Appendix A

) for UPC.

Step 3. Scan 6, 3 from the

Programming Chart

inside the back cover of this manual.

Step 4. Determine the hex value from the

ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252)

, page A-3, for the CR (carriage return).

Step 5. Scan 0, D from the

Programming Chart

inside the back cover of this manual.

Step 6. Scan Save, or scan Discard to exit without saving.

To Clear One or All Prefixes or Suffixes:

You can clear a single prefix or suffix, or clear all prefixes/suffixes for a symbology. When you Clear One Prefix (Suffix), the

specific character you select is deleted from the symbology you want. When you Clear All Prefixes (Suffixes), all the prefixes or

suffixes for a symbology are deleted.
Step 1. Scan the Clear One Prefix or Clear One Suffix symbol.

Step 2. Determine the 2 digit Hex value from the Symbology Chart (included in

Appendix A

) for the symbology from which you

want to clear the prefix or suffix.

Step 3. Scan the 2 digit hex value from the

Programming Chart

inside the back cover of this manual or scan 9, 9 for all symbol-


Your change is automatically saved.

To Add a Carriage Return Suffix to all Symbologies

Scan the following barcode if you wish to add a carriage return suffix to all symbologies at once. This action first clears all current

suffixes, then programs a carriage return suffix for all symbologies.

Add CR Suffix

All Symbologies