Led power level, Illumination lights, Imager time-out – HandHeld Entertainment Document Reader 4800dr User Manual

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4800dr Barcode Guide

LED Power Level

This selection allows you to adjust LED and aimer brightness. Off is used when no illumination is needed. Low is used if low

illumination is sufficient. High (the default) is the brightest setting.

If you have an aimer delay programmed (see

Aimer Delay

on page 3-7), the aimer will be at 100% power during the delay,

regardless of the LED Power Level.

Note: If you scan the Off barcode, both the aimer and illumination lights turn off, making it impossible to scan barcodes in low

light. To turn the LED Power Level back on, move to a brightly lit area and scan either the Low or the High barcode below.

Illumination Lights

If you want the illumination lights on while reading a barcode, scan the Lights On barcode, below. However, if you want to turn

just the lights off, scan the Lights Off barcode.
Note: This setting does not affect the aimer light. The aiming light can be set using

Aimer Mode

(page 3-7).

Imager Time-Out

Imager Time-Out powers down the document reader after the unit has been idle for the specified time. To prevent the document

reader from powering down, set this time-out to 0. Scan the barcode below, then set the time-out by scanning digits (from 0 -

999,999 ms) from the inside back cover, then scanning Save. Default = 60,000 ms.


Low (50%)

* High (100%)

Lights Off

* Lights On

Imager Time-Out