What happens if i leave the battery out too long, Why doesn’t my pump battery last very long, What is a check settings alarm – Energizer 715 User Manual
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130 Chapter: 9
Monitor your blood glucose closely.
If you followed these steps and you are still receiving a No Delivery alarm, call the 24-hour Product
Help Line.
What happens if I leave the battery out too long?
If you leave the battery out too long (more than five minutes) you may receive a BATT OUT LIMIT alarm
message when you install the new battery. Do the following steps:
Set your pump clock to the correct time, date, and year.
Check to make sure that all your settings, such as basal rate, are set as desired. If need be, reapply
your last saved settings to the pump by using the Restore Settings option under User Settings in the
UTILITIES menu as described in chapter 8 (you can only use this option if you have previously saved
your pump settings).
Check the ALARM HISTORY screen and the STATUS screen for any alarms and/or alerts that may still
need attention.
Why doesn’t my pump battery last very long?
A short battery life does not necessarily mean something is wrong with your pump.
Battery life in your pump is variable and based on the conditions below. As a result, your battery
life will vary.
The brand of battery you use (we recommend Energizer).
The way the battery was stored and/or handled before use (avoid high or low temperatures).
How you use your pump. For example: how often the buttons are pushed, the number of
alerts/alarms and set changes.
How much insulin you are delivering.
Use of some features. The backlight, vibrate, remote control and/or meter options decrease
battery life.
What is a CHECK SETTINGS alarm?
This alarm occurs after an E alarm or after you clear your pump. It is advising you to make sure that all
your settings are correct. A CHECK SETTINGS alarm occurs after any of these actions:
all user settings were cleared (set back to their defaults) because there was an E-error alarm,
the “Clear Settings” function was performed,