D6: file number sequence – Nikon Zfc Mirrorless Camera with 28mm Lens User Manual
Page 358

Custom Settings: Fine-tuning camera settings
d6: File number sequence
Custom Settings menu
Choose a file numbering option.
When a new folder is created or a new memory card is inserted in
the camera, file numbering will continue from the last number
used. This simplifies file management by minimizing the
occurrence of duplicate file names when multiple cards are used.
When a new folder is created or a new memory card is inserted, file
numbering restarts from 0001. If the current folder already contains
images, file numbering will instead continue from the highest file
number in the current folder.
If you select [Off] after selecting [On], the camera will store the
current file number. File numbering will resume from the
previously-stored value the next time [On] is selected.
Reset the file numbering for [On]. If the current folder is empty, file
numbering will restart from 0001 with the next picture taken. If the
current folder contains images, the next picture taken will be
assigned a file number by adding one to the highest file number in
the current folder.