18 maintainence entity end point command, Mep config – PLANET IGS-10020HPT User Manual

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User’s Manual of IGS-10020PT / IGS-10020HPT


6.18 Maintainence entity End Point Command

MEP Config


MEP instance configuration

'mep|mip' this entity is either a MEP or a MIP - end point or intermediate point

'ingress|egress' this entity is either a Ingress (down) or Egress (up) type of MEP/MIP

'domport|domevc' the domain is either Port or EVC

'level' is the MEG level

'port' is the residence port

'flow' is the related flow instance number - Port number in Port domain - EVC number in EVC domain

'vid' is used for TAGGED OAM in port domain

'itu|ieee' is the MEG ID format

'meg' is the MEG ID - max. 8 char in case of 'ieee' - 6 or 7 char in case of 'itu'

'mep' is the MEP ID.


MEP config [] [mep|mip] [ingress|egress] [] [domport|domevc] [] [itu|ieee] [] [] []

[] [enable|disable]


: Instance number

mep|mip : Mode of the MEP instance

ingress|egress: Direction of the MEP instance

: Port number.

domport|domevc: Flow domain

: MEP level (0-7)

itu|ieee : MEG format

ITU: ICC format as defined in Y.1731 ANNEX A

IEEE: String format Domain Name and Short Name as defined in 802.1ag

: MEG ID (max. 8 chars)

: This MEP id (0-0x1FFF)

: C-TAG only applicable for Port MEP

: Flow instance number (Port/EVC)

enable|disable: enable/disable

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