Setting alarm limits, Trap selection, Setting alarm limits -19 – Enterasys Networks 2000 User Manual

Page 147: Trap selection -20

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Trap Selection


Managing Ethernet MicroLAN Switches

Setting Alarm Limits

To set repeater-, board-, or port-level alarms, first be sure you have opened the
appropriate Alarm Limits window, then follow the steps outlined below:


Using the mouse, click and drag to highlight the text box in the alarm field you
wish to configure (Collisions, Packets, Broadcast Packets, or % Errors).


Enter the desired threshold value, being sure to keep in mind the units and
range limits described above.


Click on the Enable Alarm check box to activate it. (A check box is activated if
there is an check in it.)


For board- or port-level alarms only, click on the Allow Board/Port to be
Disabled on Alarm
check box if you wish to disable the board or port when
an alarm condition occurs.


Repeat steps 1-4 for each type of alarm you wish to configure.


Click on the Apply button to save the configuration, then click the Cancel
button to close the window. Be sure to click on the Apply button before
closing the window, or your changes will not be saved.

Your Alarm Limits are now set. Any condition that exceeds these alarm limits will
generate an alarm, and disable that board or port, if so configured. Refer to the
Alarm and Event Handling Guide

for information on how to use the alarm

logging facilities to view alarms.

Trap Selection

Cabletron and Enterasys devices are designed to generate traps which indicate
when a repeater port gains or loses a link signal (Link State Traps); when the
repeater segments (disconnects) a port due to collision activity, and when a
segmented port becomes active again (Segmentation Traps); and several traps that
result from changes in a port’s Source Address Table (Source Address Traps). In
some networks, these traps may impart more information than a network
manager wants to see. With the Trap Selection option available from the Repeater,
Board, and Port menus, you can selectively enable and disable these traps.

Any traps issued by the Ethernet MicroLAN Switch displays in NetSight Element
Manager’s alarm logging facility. (Refer to your Alarm and Event Handling Guide
for more details.)


If you activate the Allow Board/Port to be Disabled on Alarm option, you will have to
manually re-enable the board(s) or port(s) if the alarm is triggered. Resetting the device
will clear the condition by clearing all packet counters, but you will still need to re-enable
the board(s) and/or port(s). On an Ethernet MicroLAN Switch, a board is equivalent to a
repeater channel; use care when selecting the Allow Board to be Disabled on Alarm