SMA SC 200 User Manual
Page 30

Measuring Channels
SMA Solar Technology AG
User Manual
Grid output current
Ipv *
DC input current
Comm.fault SMU
Faulty communication with Sunny String-Monitor No.
Meas. Data
Counter for the number of times an entry is saved in the circular buffer.
Mean value Grp1
Mean value of the string currents of Sunny String-Monitor group 1 to Sunny
String-Monitor group 3
Mean value Grp2
Mean value Grp3
Mode *
Sunny Central operating mode (e.g. MPP)
Counter for the number of times the system changed to MPP Search.
Pac *
Grid output power of the des Sunny Central
Pac smoothed
Smoothed feed-in power.
DC input power of the Sunny Central
P-WModStt *
Display of the currently effective active power limit.
Qac *
Reactive power
Reg. SMUs
Number of registered Sunny String-Monitors
R-Insul *
Isolation resistance
SMU Warncode
The channel "SMU Warncode" displays a number code "xxyy" where xx:
denotes the number of the faulty Sunny String-Monitor (1 to 40) and yy the
error number 01 - 08: channel number for error in string current monitoring;
09 - 10: error in signaling contact monitoring
Fault counter
Counter for the number of times a fault has occurred.
Team Status
Status of Sunny Team
For more information, refer to Section 14.4 ”Team Status” (page 76).
Cooler Temp. *
Temperature of the heat sink
TmpExt C *
Analog input of the external temperature sensor (optional)
TmpInt C
Analog input of the internal temperature sensor (standard)
TStart Reverse
Time remaining until the system starts up.
TWait Reverse
Time remaining until the next plant start-up attempt
Vac L1-L2 *
Grid output voltage L1-L2
Vac L2-L3
Grid output voltage L2-L3
Vac L3-L1
Grid output voltage L3-L1
Vpv *
DC input voltage of the Sunny Central
Vpv0 *
Open-circuit voltage of the PV plant
DC setpoint input voltage
Warn. counter
Counter for the number of times a warning has occurred.
Measuring channel