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SMA Solar Technology AG / SMA America, LLC

Service Functions

User Manual



Resetting the Sunny WebBox via the User Interface

1. Log into the Sunny WebBox as an installer.
2. Select "WebBox > Info" in the user interface.
3. Select "Default settings".

☑ A window containing a security question opens.

4. Select [Confirm].

☑ The Sunny WebBox is now reset to its default settings and switches its web server off.

5. If the "POWER" LED is green and all other LEDs are red, disconnect the plug-in power supply

from the socket-outlet.

6. Wait 15 seconds.
7. Reconnect the plug-in power supply to the socket-outlet.

☑ The Sunny WebBox will now start with the default settings.

Via user interface

Via reset button

All settings will be reset. The Sunny WebBox is
now reset to the delivery status.

The following settings will be reset:

• Passwords


• Network settings


• All settings. The Sunny WebBox is now

reset to the delivery status.

After resetting, adjust the plant identifier for Sunny Portal.
If you reset all the Sunny WebBox settings, the Sunny WebBox will delete all login settings
for Sunny Portal. If you start the Sunny WebBox without making further settings, the
Sunny WebBox creates a new plant with a new plant identifier in Sunny Portal.
If the Sunny WebBox is to send the data to the existing plant in Sunny Portal, carry out the
following steps after the reset:

• Assign the plant identifier of the old system to the replacement device

(see Section 9.2.3 "Adjusting the Plant Identifier for Sunny Portal" (page 48)).

• In the replacement device, enter the e-mail address of a user who has Sunny Portal

administrator rights for the plant.