HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 (340 420) User Manual
Itnc 530
Table of contents
Document Outline
- TNC Model, Software and Features
- New features of the NC software 340 420-xx
- Changed features of the NC software 340 420-xx
- New/changed descriptions in this manual
- 1 Introduction ..... 1
- 2 Manual Operation and Setup ..... 15
- 3 Positioning with Manual Data Input (MDI) ..... 29
- 4 Fundamentals of NC, File Management, Programming Aids, Pallet Management ..... 33
- 5 Programming: Tools ..... 99
- 6 Programming: Programming Contours ..... 131
- 7 Programming: MiscellaneousFunctions ..... 181
- 8 Programming: Cycles ..... 207
- 9 Programming: Subprograms and Program Section Repeats ..... 361
- 10 Programming: Q Parameters ..... 375
- 11 Test Run and Program Run ..... 421
- 12 MOD Functions ..... 441
- 13 Tables and Overviews ..... 469
- Introduction
- Manual Operation and Setup
- Positioning with Manual Data Input (MDI)
- Fundamentals of NC, File Management, Programming Aids, Pallet Management
- 4.1 Fundamentals
- 4.2 File Management: Fundamentals
- 4.3 Standard File Management
- 4.4 Advanced File Management
- Note
- Directories
- Paths
- Overview: Functions of the expanded file manager
- Calling the file manager
- Selecting drives, directories and files
- Creating a new directory (only possible on the drive TNC:\)
- Copying a single file
- Copying a directory
- Choosing one of the last 10 files selected.
- Deleting a file
- Deleting a directory
- Tagging files
- Renaming a file
- Additional Functions
- Data transfer to or from an external data medium
- Copying files into another directory
- The TNC in a Network
- 4.5 Creating and Writing Programs
- 4.6 Interactive Programming Graphics
- 4.7 Structuring Programs
- 4.8 Adding Comments
- 4.9 Creating Text Files
- 4.10 Integrated Pocket Calculator
- 4.11 Immediate Help for NC Error Messages
- 4.12 Pallet Management
- 4.13 Pallet Operation with Tool- Oriented Machining
- Programming: Tools
- Programming: Programming Contours
- 6.1 Tool Movements
- 6.2 Fundamentals of Path Functions
- 6.3 Contour Approach and Departure
- Overview: Types of paths for contour approach and departure
- Important positions for approach and departure
- Approaching on a straight line with tangential connection: APPR LT
- Approaching on a straight line perpendicular to the first contour point: APPR LN
- Approaching on a circular path with tangential connection: APPR CT
- Approaching on a circular arc with tangential connection from a straight line to the contour: APPR LCT
- Departing on a straight line with tangential connection: DEP LT
- Departing on a straight line perpendicular to the last contour point: DEP LN
- Departure on a circular path with tangential connection: DEP CT
- Departing on a circular arc tangentially connecting the contour and a straight line: DEP LCT
- 6.4 Path Contours-Cartesian Coordinates
- 6.5 Path Contours-Polar Coordinates
- 6.6 Path Contours-FK Free Contour Programming
- 6.7 Path Contours-Spline Interpolation
- Programming: MiscellaneousFunctions
- 7.1 Entering Miscellaneous Functions M and STOP
- 7.2 Miscellaneous Functions for Program Run Control, Spindle and Coolant
- 7.3 Miscellaneous Functions for Coordinate Data
- 7.4 Miscellaneous Functions for Contouring Behavior
- Smoothing corners: M90
- Insert rounding arc between straight lines: M112
- Do not include points when executing non- compensated line blocks: M124
- Machining small contour steps: M97
- Machining open contours: M98
- Feed rate factor for plunging movements: M103
- Feed rate in millimeters per spindle revolution: M136
- Feed rate at circular arcs: M109/M110/M111
- Calculating the radius-compensated path in advance (LOOK AHEAD): M120
- Superimposing handwheel positioning during program run: M118
- Retraction from the contour in the tool-axis direction: M140
- Suppressing touch probe monitoring: M141
- Delete modal program information: M142
- Delete basic rotation: M143
- 7.5 Miscellaneous Functions for Rotary Axes
- Feed rate in mm/min on rotary axes A, B, C: M116
- Shorter-path traverse of rotary axes: M126
- Reducing display of a rotary axis to a value less than 360˚: M94
- Automatic compensation of machine geometry when working with tilted axes: M114
- Maintaining the position of the tool tip when positioning with tilted axes (TCPM*): M128
- Exact stop at corners with nontangential transitions: M134
- Selecting tilting axes: M138
- Compensating the machine’s kinematic configuration for ACTUAL/NOMINAL positions at end of block: M144
- 7.6 Miscellaneous Functions for Laser Cutting Machines
- Programming: Cycles
- 8.1 Working with Cycles
- 8.2 Point Tables
- 8.3 Cycles for Drilling, Tapping and Thread Milling
- Overview
- PECKING (Cycle 1)
- DRILLING (Cycle 200)
- REAMING (Cycle 201)
- BORING (Cycle 202)
- BACK BORING (Cycle 204)
- BORE MILLING (Cycle 208)
- TAPPING with a floating tap holder (Cycle 2)
- TAPPING NEW with floating tap holder (Cycle 206)
- RIGID TAPPING (Cycle 17)
- RIGID TAPPING (NEW) (Cycle 207)
- Fundamentals of thread milling
- THREAD MILLING (Cycle 262)
- 8.4 Cycles for Milling Pockets, Studs and Slots
- Overview
- STUD FINISHING (Cycle 213)
- SLOT MILLING (Cycle 3)
- SLOT (oblong hole) with reciprocating plunge- cut (Cycle 210)
- CIRCULAR SLOT (oblong hole) with reciprocating plunge-cut (Cycle 211)
- 8.5 Cycles for Machining Hole Patterns
- 8.6 SL Cycles
- 8.7 SL Cycles with Contour Formula
- 8.8 Cycles for Multipass Milling
- 8.9 Coordinate Transformation Cycles
- 8.10 Special Cycles
- Programming: Subprograms and Program Section Repeats
- Programming: Q Parameters
- 10.1 Principle and Overview
- 10.2 Part Families-Q Parameters in Place of Numerical Values
- 10.3 Describing Contours through Mathematical Operations
- 10.4 Trigonometric Functions
- 10.5 Calculating Circles
- 10.6 If-Then Decisions with Q Parameters
- 10.7 Checking and Changing Q Parameters
- 10.8 Additional Functions
- Overview
- FN14: ERROR: Displaying error messages
- FN15: PRINT: Output of texts or Q parameter values
- FN16: F-PRINT: Formatted output of texts or Q parameter values
- FN18: SYS-DATUM READ Read system data
- FN19: PLC: Transferring values to the PLC
- FN20: WAIT FOR: NC and PLC synchronization
- FN25: PRESET: Setting a new datum
- FN26: TABOPEN: Opening a Freely Definable Table
- FN27: TABWRITE: writing to a freely definable table
- FN28: TABREAD: Reading a Freely Definable Table
- 10.9 Entering Formulas Directly
- 10.10 Preassigned Q Parameters
- Values from the PLC: Q100 to Q107
- Active tool radius: Q108
- Tool axis: Q109
- Spindle status: Q110
- Coolant on/off: Q111
- Overlap factor: Q112
- Unit of measurement for dimensions in the program: Q113
- Tool length: Q114
- Coordinates after probing during program run
- Deviation between actual value and nominal value during automatic tool measurement with the TT 130
- Tilting the working plane with mathematical angles: Rotary axis coordinates calculated by the TNC
- Measurement results from touch probe cycles (see also User's Manual for Touch Probe Cycles)
- Test Run and Program Run
- MOD Functions
- 12.1 MOD functions
- 12.2 Software Numbers and Option Numbers
- 12.3 Code Numbers
- 12.4 Setting the Data Interfaces
- 12.5 Ethernet Interface
- 12.6 Configuring PGM MGT
- 12.7 Machine-Specific User Parameters
- 12.8 Showing the Workpiece in the Working Space
- 12.9 Position Display Types
- 12.10 Unit of Measurement
- 12.11 Select the Programming Language for $MDI
- 12.12 Selecting the Axes for Generating L Blocks
- 12.13 Enter the Axis Traverse Limits, Datum Display
- 12.14 Displaying HELP Files
- 12.15 Display operating times
- 12.16 External Access
- Tables and Overviews