Grass Valley DMC 1000 v.12.4 User Manual

Page 175

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DMC 1000 Digital Media Camcorder User’s Guide (v4.0)


Chapter 14 - Maintenance

Media almost full

Selected storage media is almost

Prepare for switch-over procedure
or stop recording and change

Media full

Selected storage media is full.

Recording continues on the next
preferred media (when available).

Current media unavailable

You started a recording but the
selected media is not available.
Recording to buffer will start

Insert media before the buffer is
full. Recording will continue on the
inserted media. When no media is
inserted, the camcorder tries to
record to the next preferred media.

Recording stopped

When none of the selected and
preferred media is available, the
recording stops.

Insert a new blank media and re-
starts recording.

Incompatible video standard

The clip was recorded with a
different video standard and/or

Set the camcorder to the same
video standard and compression
scheme as the clip.

Audio overload {Front, Rear 1,
Rear 2, WRX}

The indicated audio source has an
overload. Signal distortion may

Reduce the input level of the
indicated audio source.

System shutdown

The camcorder is in the process of
switching off.

Do not disconnect power supply or

Hold for standard recall

Hold the button for at least two
seconds to do a standard recall.

Standard recall cancelled

The standard recall button was
released within two seconds.

To do a standard recall, hold the
button for two seconds.

Temp high

Internal temperature is too high.

Switch off the camcorder and
move the unit to a cooler place.

Replace battery

Battery is depleted.

Use a different battery.

Replace REV disk

REV disk approaching end of life.

Format REV disk or exchange the
disk with a new one.

Replace REV drive

REV drive approaching end of life.

The REV mechanism may need
maintenance. Contact your Grass
Valley service representative for



Possible action(s)

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