Index – Grass Valley Aurora Playout v.8.1 User Manual
Page 181
Aurora Playout 9
corporate LAN 26
device and host names 29
IP configuration of devices 29
SiteConfig support on Aurora Playout devices 33
network group 27
Appending playlists 141
Appending rundowns to a playlist 138
Archive play
configuring 70
recording black video 146
Archive tab
about 152
Archiving clips 145
Assigning clips to channels 146
Assignment List
about 95
adding new sequence 101
adding placeholders 98
checking missing clips 102
deleting placeholders 100
modifying placeholders 100
using 95
viewing metadata 103
Assignment List Manager
configuring 83
overview 13
changing clip category 124
creating placeholders 123
deleting placeholders 124
identifying missing clips 125
receiving editing assignments 122
using 121
viewing category 125
Aurora Edit
editing assignments 122
Aurora Playout
about 9
cabling 21
configuring 51
Aurora Playout (continued)
installing 17
installing software manually 49
overview 10
setting up the NCS 87
using 11
using NCS rundowns 95
editing 121
inserting clips from STRATUS 127
inserting placeholders from STRATUS 127
linking clips automatically from STRATUS 128
using STRATUS Plug-in 125
Aurora Playout hardware
installing 21
installation checklist 18, 21
cabling Aurora Playout 21
configuring 56
assigning clips 146
hardware installation 18, 21
installing Aurora Playout 17
network setup 19, 25
network setup and implementation 19, 25
pre-installation planning 18
software update 20, 43
Clip browser
about 135
Clip Import tab
about 152
clip list
refreshing 155
archiving in Housekeeper 159
deleting from database 154
deleting from media server only 155
deleting immediately 154
importing from media server 156
resynchronizing 160
unprotecting 155
Aurora Playout User Manual