Visara iCON-XT User Manual
Page 104

iCON-XT Single Station Console Terminal User’s Manual
Keyboard Mapper
To determine which key is currently assigned to the key, click the appropriate key
in the Functions box and the assigned value will be displayed in the Assignments
box. Alternatively, on the keyboard layout, using the mouse click on the key to
which the value needs to be displayed, the key will be displayed in the Functions
box and the assigned value in the Assignments box.
To change the key assignment:
1. Using the mouse, click on the key that needs to be changed on the keyboard
layout or alternatively, choose the function from the Functions box.
2. Click Add below the Functions box.
3. Assign the new assignment required for the key selected. If a key combination
is desired, click either the Shift, Control, or Shift + Control buttons.
4. Click Apply when satisfied with selection or click Undo to reassign.
Note: A function can be applied to multiple keys. Assigning a function to a key
does not unassign it from a previous definition.
5. Click OK to save changes and Exit, or Cancel to discard changes and exit. To
return the key assignments to their default state, click Default.
Note: 1451 application must be closed and restarted for changes to become effective.