Showvault front panel lcd screen – Doremi ShowVault / IMB User Manual

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Page 91 of 146

Version 1.5

Doremi Labs

Close X windows (GUI) and login again.

User will now be at the new resolution.

10.9.2 ShowVault Front Panel LCD Screen

Type: mount -o rw,remount / and then press Enter. This allows writing to flash card.

Type: cd /etc/X11/ and then press Enter.

Type: cp XF86Config-4.640 XF86Config-4 and then press Enter.

You will be prompted to overwrite the previous configuration.

Type: y and then press Enter.

Then do the following:

Type: sync and then press Enter.

Type: mount

–o ro,remount/ and then press Enter.

Close X (GUI) and log in again.

The user will now be at the new resolution.