Fir ii ip core parameters, Filter specification parameters, Fir ii ip core parameters -1 – Altera FIR Compiler II MegaCore Function User Manual
Page 26: Filter specification parameters -1
FIR II IP Core Parameters
You define a FIR filter by its coefficients. You specify the filter settings and coefficient options in the
parameter editor.
The FIR II IP core provides a default 37-tap coefficient set regardless of the configurations from filter
settings. The scaled value and fixed point value are recalculated based on the coefficient bit width setting.
The higher the coefficient bit width, the closer the fixed frequency response is to the intended original
frequency response with the expense of higher resource usage.
You can load the coefficients from a file. For example, you can create the coefficients in another applica‐
tion such as MATLAB or a user-created program, save the coefficients to a file, and import them into the
FIR II IP core.
Related Information
Loading Coefficients from a File
on page 3-3
Filter Specification Parameters
Table 3-1: Filter Specification Parameters
Filter Settings
Filter Type
Single Rate
Fractional Rate
Specifies the type of FIR filter.
Interpolation Factor 1 to 128
Specifies the number of extra points to generate
between the original samples.
Decimation Factor
1 to 128
Specifies the number of data points to remove
between the original samples.
Number of Channels 1–128
Specifies the number of unique input channels to
Frequency Specification
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