Turning Technologies CPS User Manual

Page 55

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CPS for Mac


1. Students enter the test number version that corresponds to the lesson.

2. Click Start.

3. Click Start to begin the session.


Students will not advance to the next question until they enter a correct answer for
the current question.

4. Click End to end the session and click End Session to confirm.


If Teacher Managed Assessment mode was selected, the Engage toolbar appears.

1. Click the Questions drop-down menu and select a lesson and then select a question to engage.

The CPS - Question Deliver window appears.

2. Click Start to engage a question. Optionally, use the left and right arrows to scroll through the available

questions from all selected lessons.

3. Click End to stop a response cycle.

4. To ask additional questions repeat steps 2 and 3.

5. When finished, click Close from the Question Deliver window.


If Student Managed Assessment mode was selected, the Instructor Feedback window appears and the
students are prompted to enter a test number on their clickers.


Students taking a "Subtraction" lesson might press 1A on their clickers while students
taking a "Division" lesson might press 2B.

1. Click Start to begin the session.

2. Click End to end the session and click End Session to confirm.


Click Close to return to CPS.