I.lon 100 xml configuration files, I.lon 100 xml configuration files -2, 2 i. lon 100 xml configuration files – Echelon i.LON 100 e2 Internet Server User Manual

Page 32

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triggered them. Alarms can be configured to shut off automatically when certain

conditions are met, or they can be configured to require manual clearance. You will
create Alarm Generators and Alarm Notifiers to manage these alarming tasks. Table 6

provides a brief description of the functions you can use to do so. These functions are

described in detail in Chapters 7 and 8 of this document.

Analog Function Blocks – You can use the Analog Function Block application to perform
statistical operations on the values of any of the data points in your network. Table 6

provides a brief description of the functions you can use to do so. These functions are

described in detail in Chapter 9 of this document.

Scheduling – The


LON 100 can be used to create daily and weekly schedules, as well as

exception schedules and override schedules. These schedules can drive the inputs to

data points bound to any L




device. You can create Event Schedulers and Event

Calendars to manage these tasks. Table 6 provides a brief description of the functions

you can use to do so. These functions are described in detail in Chapters 10 and 11 of

this document.

Type Translation – You can use the Type Translator application to translate data from
one network variable data type to another. You will need to create Type Translators,

and optionally Type Translator Rules, to translate your data. Table 6 provides a brief

description of the functions you can use to do so. These functions are described in detail
in Chapters 12 and 13 of this document.



LON 100 XML Configuration Files

As described in Chapter 1, the configurations of each


LON 100 application is stored in an

XML file. The


LON 100 contains the following configuration files:







NOTE: The /root/config/software directory includes a sub-directory called TranslatorRules,
which contains several XML files you can use when configuring your Type Translators. It

also contains a file called RN


XML, which contains configuration data used by the



100 remote network interface (RNI). There is no SOAP interface for the RNI application, and

you should not manually edit the RN


XML file. You can configure the RNI application using



LON 100 configuration web pages. For more information on this, see the


LON 100

Internet Server User’s Guide.
Each application inludes a Set function. You can use the Set function to create and write to
the applicable XML file. The


LON 100 will modify the XML file, and the operating

parameters of the associated application, each time it receives a Set message. The next

section, i.LON 100 SOAP Functions, lists the other functions that can be used with each


LON 100 Internet Server Program


mer’s Reference