Alarm notifier, Alarm notifier -1, 8 alarm notifier – Echelon i.LON 100 e2 Internet Server User Manual
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LON 100 Internet Server Programmer’s Reference
8 Alarm Notifier
Use the Alarm Notifier application to log user-defined alarm conditons, and to generate e-
mail messages and data point updates each time an alarm condition occurs. This section
provides an overview of how Alarm Notifiers work, including how you can define alarm
conditions and program your Alarm Notifiers to respond to them.
User-Defined Alarm Conditions
When you create an Alarm Notifier, you will specify a group of input data points. The Alarm
Notifier will read the status of these data points each time they are updated to determine if
they have reached alarm conditions. The statuses that the Alarm Notfiier will consider alarm
conditions are completely user-defined. You will define these conditions by creating active
and passive alarm conditon sets for the Alarm Notifier.
For each condition set you create, you will select an alarm type (active or passive) and a point
status. Each time an input data point is updated and its
status, an alarm notification will occur. If it is generated based on a status assigned to an
active alarm conditon set, it is considered an active alarm. If it is generated based on a staus
assigned to a passive condition set, it is considered a passive alarm. You can create as many
active and passive alarm condition sets as you like per Alarm Notifier.
There are several scenarios you could consider when creating Alarm Notifiers. For example,
you could set up Alarm Notifiers to generate alarm notifications based on the statuses of the
data points updated by your Alarm Generators. For more information on Alarm Generators,
see Chapter 7, Alarm Generator.
You may also recall from Chapter 6 that some data points exist in the Data Server to monitor
the amount of memory that a Data Logger’s log file has consumed. You could set up an
Alarm Notfier to generate alarm notifications when a log file becomes full.
Alarm Destinations
You will create destination sets for your Alarm Notifiers. These destination sets determine
how the Alarm Notifier will respond when an alarm occurs.
For each destination set, you can specify an output data point. This data point will be
updated each time an alarm notification occurs and uses that particular destination. You can
also specify an e-mail profile for each destination. The e-mail profile will cause an e-mail to
be sent to an address of your choice each time the destination is used. The next section
provides more information on e-mail profiles.
You can create as many active and passive destination sets as you like per Alarm Notifier.
The passive destination will be used when a passive alarm notification occurs, and the active
destinations are used when an active alarm notification occurs.
E-mail Profiles
You can create e-mail profiles and assign these profiles to the destination sets you have
created for your Alarm Notifier. Each e-mail profile contains an e-mail address. When a
destination using an e-mail profile is used, an e-mail will be sent to the address defined for
that profile.
You can specify the message text, subject heading, and attachment to be included with each
e-mail. E-mail profiles allow you to notify different people when different alarms occur. This
is useful if different groups of people need to receive notifications about the various alarm
conditions that might occur on your network.