Eventscheduler.xml, Eventscheduler.xml -2, 1 eventscheduler.xml – Echelon i.LON 100 e2 Internet Server User Manual
Page 154

After a restart, the Event Scheduler recalculates the last Event Scheduler operation. It also
sets the data point NVL_nvoDateResync to “100.0 1”, and then to “0.0 0”, which updates the
LON 100 exception list. You can set the value of NVL_nvoDateResync to “100.0 1” with the
DataPointWrite or DataServerWrite function at any time to refresh the exception list
manually. The data point NVL_nviEcResync of the Event Calendar will be internally bound
to NVL_nvoDateResync if no external binding is created. However, the Scheduler pulses the
NodeObject NV to ensure that the NodeObject always has an up-to-date Exception list, so
this should not be necessary.
The EventScheduler.XML file stores the configuration of the Event Schedulers that you have
added to the
LON 100.
Each Event Scheduler is signified by a
Event Schedulers with the EventSchedulerSet function, or by manually editing the XML file
and then downloading it to the
LON 100 via FTP. The sections following this example
provide instructions and guidelines to assist you when doing so.
The following represents a sample EventScheduler.XML file for an
LON 100 with one
defined Event Scheduler.
10.1 EventScheduler.XML
Weekday on> < CPTindex> < i. LON 100 Internet Server Program 10-2 mer’s Reference