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point. This property is updated by the Data Server in real time, and can be read or written to

with the functions described in this chapter.

3.2 About This Chapter

This chapter describes the syntax of each of the functions you can use to read and write to

the values of the data points in your network. It also includes code samples written in
Microsoft Visual Basic .NET that may be useful when designing applications that use these

NOTE: You can use the Data Point functions to read and write to the values of your data
points. You must create data points and add them to the Data Server before using these

functions. You can create NVL data points with L




. You can create NVC data points

with the


LON 100 Configuration Software, or with the SOAP interface.

For more information on the using the SOAP interface to create data points, see Chapter 5,

Data Server. You should review Chapter 4, i.LON 100 Applications and the SOAP/XML
, before using the SOAP interface to create
data points. For more information on the


LON 100 Configuration Software, see the


LON 100 Internet Server User’s Guide.


LON 100 Internet Server Program


mer’s Reference