User guide – Eagle Tree Vector User Manual

Page 86

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Loiter Off - Poor GPS or Mag

This message indicates that loiter is being disabled due to poor GPS

signal or compass calibration.

Low Battery Voltage Detected! This message is displayed during flight if low battery autoland is

enabled, and if the minimum cell voltage you specified has been reached.

Magnetometer not detected!

This message will appear if the compass is enabled, but not detected
(normally due to the GPS/MAG being unconnected).

Maximum Altitude Exceeded!

The maximum altitude you programmed on the RTH/Safety Mode page
has been exceeded.

Maximum Distance Exceeded!

The maximum distance from home you programmed on the RTH/Safety
Mode page has been exceeded.

Memory malfunction detected!

If you repeatedly see this message, DON’T FLY and contact support.

Menus disabled during flight!

This message appears if you have not enabled in-flight menu access

(under Advanced Radio Control) and you attempt to enable menu mode
during flight.

Mode Switch not detected

This message will appear during boot-up if the mode switch signal input
is not detected.

Motor Kill Input not Detected

This message will appear during boot-up if you have configured a motor
kill switch, the switch signal input is not detected.

Moving or gyro decalibrated!

You have attempted to arm with the multirotor not completely still. Or,
if the multirotor is still, please rezero the gyros.

Multirotor is ARMED!

This message indicates you have successfully armed the multirotor.

Multi not level enough to arm

During the arm sequence with the Vector in a 2D flight mode, the Vector

has detected that the multirotor is not sitting level on the ground (at too

high of a bank) or that the Vector is not mounted level on the multi.

Multirotor is DISARMED!

This message indicates you have successfully disarmed the multirotor.

Multirotor Stability Issue!

This message indicates that the Vector is unable to fully control the
multirotor. This can happen due to thrust loss (broken prop or power

system issue) or the message can appear briefly during very aggressive

piloting, and will go away once the Vector regains control.

Must enable gain knob first!

If you try to enable the gain knob to control one or more of the gains,
this message will appear if you have not configured the gain knob.

Need non-GPS on Mode/Submode

You need to program your mode/submode switches so that at least one
of the positions will enable a non-GPS mode (2D, 2D with hold, 3D, etc.).

New Receiver Mode detected!

This message will appear during boot if the Vector detects that a new
type of receiver (SPPM, etc.) is being used.

No RTH! Mode Sw unprogrammed

This message will appear during boot if the Vector detects that you have
selected “Mode Switch” RTH trigger method, but have not defined a

mode or submode switch that activates RTH.

Outputs Off: Airframe Changed

The Vector’s outputs are disabled because you have changed the

airframe type.

Outputs Off: bad Calibration

If you see this message, contact support.

Outputs Off: Bad Throt Range

The Vector’s outputs are disabled due to a problem with the throttle
settings. Please check your throttle wiring and rerun the Receiver

Analysis Wizard.

Outputs Off: Hardware Issue

If you repeatedly see this message, contact support.

Outputs Off: no Airframe Type

The Vector’s outputs are disabled because you have not yet selected an

airframe type.

Outputs Off: Rerun Wizard

The Vector’s outputs are disabled due to problems detected by the
Receiver Analysis wizard, so please rerun it.

Outputs Off:Airframe not OK'd

The Vector’s outputs are disabled because you did not ok the new
airframe type (by clicking the mode switch) during boot-up.