User guide – Eagle Tree Vector User Manual
Page 36

Next, invoke menu mode, select the “Run Receiver Analysis Wizard” menu item under the “New Airframe
Checklist” menu, and follow the instructions below:
Wizard Prompt
What to Do
Make sure your motor(s) or propeller(s) are disabled, and toggle the
Mode switch up and down to continue.
During the wizard, the Vector shuts off the Vector throttle output
channel for fixed wing, and all the Vector output channels for multirotors.
Turn Transmitter off now
You have 10 seconds to turn off your transmitter. Make sure your
transmitter is off before the countdown reaches 0!
Turn Tx On and Toggle Mode
Turn your transmitter back on, and toggle the mode switch once it has
bound to your receiver.
Hold Ailern Stick Left/Tog Md
Hold your aileron stick full left, and while holding, toggle Mode.
Hold Elvtr Back(Climb)/Tog Md
Hold your elevator stick all the way back (for a climb) , and while holding,
toggle Mode.
Hold Rudder Stick Left/Tog Md
Hold the rudder stick all the way left, and while holding, toggle Mode.
Set sticks/throt at cruise/Tg
Control Stick Centered/Tog Md
For fixed wing, make sure your control stick (aileron/elevator) is
centered, and place the throttle in the position that you think will
provide a good cruising speed during RTH, then toggle Mode. Note
that you can adjust this cruising speed later in the “Advanced RTH”
menu, even while in flight.
For multirotors, make sure your control stick (aileron/elevator) is
centered, and toggle mode. The throttle position does not matter in
this step.
Set throttle at climb/Tog Mod
For fixed wing, move your throttle to a position that you think will
provide a safe climbing throttle. It is better to have your throttle too
high here than too low. This throttle setting will be used to gain
altitude, compensate for high wind, or attempt to recover from a stall
during RTH.
For multirotors, move your throttle stick all the way up, and toggle
Set throttle off/Toggle Mode
Move your throttle stick all the way off, and toggle Mode.
Wizard Done-Tog Mod to reboot
The Vector has now learned your receiver settings. Once you click Mode,
the Vector will reboot, and the Vector’s servo outputs will be enabled
(assuming everything was done correctly).
The Vector will enable its outputs channels after you reboot. MAKE
SURE that your airframe type is correct before rebooting!