Eagle Tree eLogger V2 User Manual
Instruction manual for the usb micropower e-logger, Key features, Intended uses

Copyright © 2003-2005 Eagle Tree Systems, LLC
Instruction Manual for the USB MicroPower E-Logger
Patent Pending
Document Version 2.5, Model # MPR-CONN and MPR-LEADS
Thank you for your purchase! This instruction manual will guide you through the installation and operation of your
MicroPower E-Logger.
Please read the entire manual carefully before proceeding. If, after you read the manual (including the Troubleshooting
sections!) you have further questions or problems, please visit our web support page for additional support options, at
. Note that the latest version of this manual is available in PDF form
from the Support page of our website.
Please also fill out the registration form at the end of this manual if you did not purchase your MicroPower directly from
Eagle Tree Systems, so we can send you important update information.
Key Features
Here are a few of the features of the MicroPower:
• Logs pack current to +/- 100 amps and voltage from about 4.5 volts to 45 volts
• Current is measured with a true Hall Effects Sensor - NOT a resistance shunt like other units on the market!
• Great for bench monitoring of battery charging also!
• Accepts optional inexpensive sensors for Temperature, RPM (brushless, magnetic or optical), Airspeed, Altitude,
Servo Current, Throttle Movement, and more, available below
• All data is logged to permanent memory, which retains the data even when the power is removed
• Software computes Wattage, mAH, etc. for complete e-flight data.
• Fully Compatible with Windows Vista, 98SE, ME, Win2K and XP™
• Integrated USB with included cable (NOT a USB to serial port cable like other loggers)
• Supports simultaneous Temp and RPM sensors, or two Temps
• Weighs about 0.5 oz (17 grams). Version with Wire Leads weighs slightly more.
• Supports USB Live Mode, which lets you see what's happening in the model LIVE on the bench, on your PC
• Adjustable logging rate (1-10 samples/second) and lossless data compression for long log times
• Comes with our state of the art Windows virtual playback display and graphing
• Powerful Graphing software has advanced charting features, such as amps vs volts
• Internet Updatable firmware - as we add new features or (heaven forbid) have a firmware bug, the update is just a
download away! No need to ship hardware back and forth.
• Full support for English and Metric units
Intended Uses
The MicroPower was designed for use in Unmanned Radio Controlled models. Using the MicroPower for other purposes is not supported.
Further, using the MicroPower in situations where its use or failure could result in loss of life, bodily injury or property damage is expressly
Packing List
Your package should include the following: MicroPower (either with integrated connectors or with wire leads), Custom USB Cable, and CD-ROM.
Steps to Follow
Installation and use of the MicroPower E-Logger will be quite easy and enjoyable if you follow these few steps:
1. Read through the manual to understand the important warnings, determine what parameters you want to log, etc.
2. Install the MicroPower in your model, as described in the MicroPower Installation section below. Pay special attention to the polarity and
plug-in location of the sensors, since some of the plugs will fit in more than one location!
3. Install and configure the Windows software as described in the Windows installation section below.
4. IMPORTANT: Bench and range test your model as described in the “Using the MicroPower” section below.