User guide – Eagle Tree Vector User Manual
Page 45

For multirotors, the knob will adjust the gains from 50% to 200% of their default values. To see the present
settings for these gains, navigate to the Stabilizer Settings menu item, and observe the values displayed.
Values that are mapped to the knob will change in real time on the menu screen.
The basic gain settings(s) are remembered each time you rotate the gain knob. If the gain knob is later
disconnected or disabled, the remembered settings are still
Advanced Gains and Settings
Advanced users who fully understand stabilizer concepts can
make adjustments in the “Advanced Setup” menu from the
Stabilizer menu.
Don’t change advanced gain settings unless you know
what you are doing!
PID Gains: The Vector employs an “Inner/Outer Loop
Flybarless PID Controller” design. Specific loop gains are
adjustable in the “Advanced Setup” menu.
PID control theory and PID loop gain adjustments are beyond the scope of this document, and support for
making changes to the advanced gains cannot be provided.
General information on PID controllers can be found here:
The basic gains act as a multiplier on top of the inner loop PID gains. For example, increasing the
Pitch/Elevator Basic Gain has the effect of increasing each of the Inner P, I, and D pitch gains by the same
Pitch and Roll: The “Maximum Pitch” and “Maximum Roll” angle settings control the maximum pitch and roll
to which your model will be commanded by the controller, when in a 2D mode.
For multirotors, the maximum pitch and roll angles will effectively limit the top speed and the
acceleration/deceleration capability of the multirotor, since these angles should not be exceeded, even at
full control stick deflection.
Note that the “Maximum Pitch” and “Maximum Roll” settings are not necessarily honored for fixed wing
models. At low gain values, the control stick will overcome the Vector’s stabilization and exceed the
specified maximum angles.
3D Direct Rate: When in 3D Heading Hold (direct rate) mode, each 3D Direct Rate setting controls the
rotational rate of the model in the respective axis, in rotations per second (Hz), when the stick is fully deflected
in the direction controlling that axis. For example, if you wanted your multirotor to attempt a 360 degree flip
in the roll axis in 0.5 seconds (when the aileron stick is fully deflected), set “3D Direct Rate Roll Freq” to 2 Hz.
If you intend to do flips with your multirotor in 3D or center stick flight modes, you will likely need to
set the pitch and roll direct gains higher than the defaults. 2Hz to 2.5Hz are typical settings for doing flips.
Default Stabilization: The “Default Stabilization Mode” chooses the flight mode that will be used if the mode
switch input is not detected.