User guide – Eagle Tree Vector User Manual

Page 47

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Arming and Disarming your Multirotor (Multirotor only)

Arm and Disarm Gestures

The multirotor is armed by moving the throttle stick to the off position and holding the rudder stick in the
rightmost position for 2 to 3 seconds, until the props spin continuously. For Mode 2 radios, this is done
by simply holding the left (rudder/throttle) stick in the lower right-hand corner (the ARM corner) for
approximately 1 second.

Note that as you hold the stick(s) in the arm position, the motors will pulse or “twitch” twice

before the props will continuously spin. You must continue holding the stick(s) in the arm position
during this sequence, or the multirotor will not arm.

If prefered, the pre-arming twitches can be disabled by selecting “Allow Fast Arming?” option in the “Advanced

Multirotor” stick menu, or under “Other Advanced Settings” on the Flight Controller tab in the software.

The propellers will spin when the multirotor is armed. Do not arm your multirotor with propellers

attached until you’ve verified that motor direction, propeller direction, motor order, idle throttle and

other settings are correct! Make sure you don’t inadvertently move the stick(s) to the arm corner!

The multirotor is disarmed by moving the throttle stick to the off position, and holding the rudder stick in the
leftmost position for 1 second. For Mode 2 radios, this is done by holding the left stick in the lower left-hand
corner (the DISARM corner) for approximately 1 second.

The figure below refers to the left stick of Mode 2 radios:

Don’t disarm your multirotor while flying unless there’s an emergency! If you do, the propellers will not

spin until you rearm it as described above.

Issues that will prevent arming

Here are some conditions that will prevent the multirotor from arming, for safety reasons. An error
message will appear in the OSD notification area if these conditions are detected (see section 7 on
notification messages).

Arming in a GPS mode (including RTH Test mode), unless you have set the “Allow arming in GPS
Mode?” menu item to “Yes” in the “Advanced Multirotor” stick menu. See the table in 6.8.3 if you are
uncertain about which modes require a GPS.

Arming in a leveling mode (2D, 2D with Hold, Cartesian, etc.) if the multirotor is not level. Note that the
multirotor can be armed in 3D mode if it is not level!

Arming if the multirotor is not completely still.