User guide – Eagle Tree Vector User Manual
Page 80

"5.11.4 Arming and Disarming your Multirotor (Multirotor only)",
specifically, you only move the throttle/rudder stick and must leave
the elevator/aileron stick centered.
Why does my multirotor
bounce when landing?
Bouncing landings can usually be attributed to a few causes:
1) Pitch/Roll/Yaw Basic Gains are set higher than they need to be (try
reducing these gains by steps of 20%)
2) The model has a very high thrust to weight ratio (it's too light)
3) Idle throttle is too high
In general, we recommend that the throttle level when in 2D No Hold
mode should be right around the center point when you're hovering. A
larger battery, smaller props, lower kV rating, more weight, lower idle
throttle or lower pack voltage can all accomplish these things. To
assist in troubleshooting, adding some additional weight to the model
in order to dampen out the bounce will let you rule insufficient weight
in or out.
The motors on my
multirotor are not spinning
at the same speed, what is
As soon as the multirotor is commanded a positive throttle level
(above mid-point for altitude hold modes, and above ~5% for non-
hold modes) while sitting on the ground, you will see the motors
changing RPMs as its "integrator" functionality is activated. In simple
terms, the Vector is constantly re-trimming the motors so that it will
fly accurately even with an imbalanced frame. When it's on the
ground, however, the motors will try to spin up or down until the
multirotor is matching the currently commanded pitch/roll angles
from your control stick. The more level your model is, the slower the
spin up will be. In addition, as soon as you're flying, the model will
quickly trim itself to level.
The Vector has numerous failsafes to try to prevent arming under
unsafe condition. When you arm your multirotor, you should see all of
its props spinning at roughly the same speed. Once you increase
throttle from 0%, the motors should all spin up. It is normal for one
prop to begin gradually spinning up more than the others. If any prop
stops spinning or fails to start spinning when you are at 0% throttle,
then there is likely a problem with either the Idle Throttle setting or
your ESC calibration.
RTH: my multirotor returns
home too fast or too slowly
Increase or decrease the “Return Home Ground Speed” setting in the
Advanced RTH menu. It is recommended to change this setting in
small increments.
RTH/Loiter: My fixed wing
model turns too fast or too
slowly toward home, when
returning home or in loiter
Increase or decrease the “Maximum Roll for RTH/Loiter” in the
Advanced RTH menu. The angle should be increased if the model is
turning too slowly and vice versa. It’s recommended you change this
setting in steps of 5 to 10 degrees.
Increase or decrease the “Turn Gain” setting in the Advanced RTH
menu. The gain should be increased if the model is turning too slowly,